Saturday, April 20, 2013

San Marcos, Texas 2013

San Marcos, Texas

We just moved to San Marcos. My oldest son, Greg, has lived here already for a few years to finish his degree. We were living in a great house in South Austin and hoped to live there for 4-5 years. The landlord said it sounded great to him when we moved in. Then his girlfriend graduated UT and they decided to move back into the house! We got 30 days notice. It was a verrrrry hectic move. I fell and hurt my knee and leg very badly, yet had no choice but to continue moving until the move was done. I'm paying for it now and will for the rest of my life, I'm sure. Landlord wanted us out asap. Laura, my daughter, was due to deliver her third baby at the same time and she did. So we ran from schlepping boxes to the hospital and back and forth. Not to mention having nobody else to watch the first two children but Atam and me as we worked. Anyway, I bitch and believe me with good reason!

We were forced to move into an apartment as nobody wanted to rent their house to a lady recently unemployed. Don't really blame them, although, I can still pay rent. Thanks be to God. I do not like apartment living. At all. 

However, we now have FOUR little girls!!  My son, Keith, and his wife, Shalyn, gave birth to Danielle Marie about 8 weeks ago and Laura had Iriana Alea during the move. So, Marley Renae and Kamia Jade have company. Although, Keith, Shalyn and Danielle live in VA while he serves our country and a Sergeant in the Army. I have yet to meet Danielle! :-(

Enough of an update for now. I plan to get back here and try to be interesting and worthwhile for others to read. We shall see.