The ladies showed me my new office at the church yesterday. I nearly fell over. It's HUGE! I will rattle around in that room. Huge desk...love seat, end tables, big stuffed chair, several side chairs, bookcases all across the back wall; another desk behind the giant desk. The giant desk could even look small in this big room if it wasn't so prominently placed. I've never had anything to compare. I was amazed. Wow. I'm pretty sure there is room to square dance between the desk and the sitting area.
Attendance was a bit lower yesterday and that disappointed me. However, coming in during the Christmas holidays gave me the chance to see who calls it their church and that will help in building it back up...I pray. There is so much room in this church. It is old and beautiful with tons of great history. It simply needs an infusion of people. The area is about to become a bedroom community to the Austin/Round Rock area so...hopefully we will see some growth this year! That would be so cool.
I'm getting excited about the possibilities for so much in the coming year! It is grand to be alive.
Oh...did I mention that I'll have a secretary?! I've never had a secretary. Oh, great...now I'm teary-eyed. I think I'm a bit overwhelmed with joy. I'm wondering what my dear mum would have said about all this. I think it's probably a bit beyond her experience. She was so cute when I finally told her I was in seminary and going into ministry. She said: "Honey, you know we don't believe that women should be doing that, but I guess I must have done something right if you're willing to devote your life to serving God like that." Oh, yeah. My mom did a whole lotta right.
I have a list of chores to accomplish today and what am I doing? Sitting at the computer with this 4 lb. dog on my lap. This is my *last* day of "unemployment vacation" and I really need to get my wardrobe (such as it is) in order and clean this house. Reading some of the other blogs reminds me that I also need to take down Christmas decorations. Luckily we didn't put up too many this year.
Not sure when the presbyteries will get things settled for me to start getting paid. I sure hope it's soon. I went to lunch with the ladies yesterday after church. They're starting to let down their guard big time now. I'm starting to get a real sense of who and what I'll be working with. Looks to be some cat-fight power struggles between some of these grand dames. I saw some of their meanness toward one another in their eyes yesterday. Of course the one that first "courted" me gave me a ride back to my car and sweetly said: "I don't want to offend you by telling you what to do or anything, but you're going to need to...." (speak louder so that Miz C. can hear me better). The way she said it gave me the insight that I will be hearing those very words on a fairly regular basis. She nearly snapped off the head of the young waitress we had for a number of perceived failings. I had a glimpse of my own head being served up on a platter later on. Ah, the grind work begins...the part I do not like. Personal growth time for me again. I may need to get back into my family systems class - I've been out this past year thinking I'd not ever be back in a church again.
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