"Winning is not normal and those who constantly win follow an ‘abnormal’ path. The discipline, dedication and sacrifices are incomprehensible to those thousands standing outside, looking in, who are capable of joining the winning team, yet unwilling to pay the price of admission. Winners win in a fair effort, on a level playing field, because they deserve to win... they willingly pay their dues in full, time after time, after time." ~ author unknown - found on Body-for-LIFE website www.bodyforlife.com go to "success tips: then click on "weekly messages: and then click on: week 1. I did a google search and found one other reference, again stating author unknown.
1. Within 12 weeks, I will lose 30 pounds of fat by an average of 2.5 lbs per week.
2. Within 12 weeks, I will gain muscle.
3. Within 12 weeks, I will build stamina.
4. Within 12 weeks, I will easily and positively change my lifestyle.
5. Within 12 weeks, I will increase my overall health.
When I look at myself in the mirror these days I do not like what I see. I see a middle aged, out-of-shape, FAT woman. I want to see a middle aged, in-shape, beautifully HOT woman! Deep down inside I still feel like the same woman I’ve always been, but I used to be thin and very attractive. I can sense the responses of people to my body shape now and it does not match the way I used to look. I guess it’s historical thinking gone wild. I’m no longer the thin Sharon I used to be and want to be again. I am confident, but I am not energetic nor physically strong. However, I do pride myself on being emotionally, mentally and spiritually strong, therefore, I have the tools I need to succeed in this endeavor. I know that I am absolutely on the right path in most areas of my life except for physical health. If I do not lose 40 pounds and increase my overall health, I am going to begin to suffer from heart disease related illnesses and die sooner than is necessary. I would like to create a brighter, healthier future. I would like to change my lifestyle into a healthier one. I want to look like I choose a healthy lifestyle by having a nice, attractive body to house my mind and soul. I want to become more attractive to men and to other people in general which I believe will increase my credibility and level of respect from others, but most importantly from ME, myself and I!
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