Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Unfairness' in Life.

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left." ~Hubert Humphrey

Oh, Hubert. I don't know what inspired this quote, but it kind of speaks to my day. It's been a hard, emotional day. Spent the morning with my precious, handsome, smart, sweet 23 year old son at the eye doctor. He had to go through extensive testing for social security disability supplimental income. The doctor said some really stupid things to us. I know that even doctors don't know how to 'act' at such injustice in life. He was totally uncomfortable with this beautiful young man facing a life of blindness. I understand that. However, he's still my baby and the whole damn thing just absolutely breaks his heart and mine. I cried so hard once I dropped him off at home and went to work. Helpless. I feel completely and totally helpless to comfort him. I'd take the eye disease away from him in a heartbeat if only I could. He's furious with God. He's furious with life. He's just plain furious. My biggest prayer is that his anger will soon begin to mobilize him and not continue to be inner directed. To say again that life just isn't fair seems too feeble a statement.

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