er...back in the pulpit. It feels good. I've missed it. It's a tiny little congregation with about 40 members. Only half of them attend right now. Apparently their most recent pastor "offended" a bunch. It happens. Too easily. Anyway, I'm only pulpit supply until the end of the year so it should be a nice honeymoon period to celebrate the holidays in. It will be interesting to see if the others come back.
I'm flirting with the idea of taking a lazy Sunday afternoon nap. I'm tired. Got up waaaay too early thanks to my son's dern cat who was slamming bathroom cupboard doors; scratching at the carpet by the door and meowing loudly. Not sure what the little ratfink wanted really. I was ready to open the window and toss him out into the backyard. I wouldn't do that, of course. But, I felt like it.
I work at the hospital again all day tomorrow. The day went really fast last Thursday - so much death - so many needs. Whew. I was draggin' by the time 5:00 p.m. came round. Renewed some aquaintances from the last time I filled in for Amy. That was nice. Would that she'd hire me for the part-time position that is kind of open. It's presently on freeze, but should be open again soon. Maybe...
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